조회 수: 364, 2016-01-01 06:05:38(2016-01-01)
선정한 날이 2014년 9월
September 11, 2014
Although modern amplifiers have a host of great features, many listeners feel these products cannot offer the same great sound quality as those from past decades. In particular, products designed from the late 1960s through the '80s are considered to be some of the finest pieces of electronics, and they are sought for their superior sound quality and overall construction. Dozens of great vintage amplifier products can still be purchased, though according to audiophiles, there are a few that stand out from the pack. These include products from Dynaco, Marantz, and Harman Kardon. Learn about five top vintage tube amps to choose a high-quality unit that can expand the audio performance of a home stereo system. 
One of the most popular tube amplifiers ever produced is the Dynaco Stereo 70, abbreviated to ST-70. The unit sold in excess of 300,000 units during its lifespan. Originally produced in 1959, the ST-70 was sold until the early 1990s, making it one of the longest-running tube amplifiers.
The ST-70 features 35 watts per channel with a simple yet highly refined design. It uses four EL34 output tubes, a pair of 7199 input tubes, and a GZ34/5AR4 rectifier tube. Considered to be one of the most efficient tube amps produced, the ST-70 offers high-quality performance at a relatively low cost. As a result, it was one of the few tube amps to remain in production well after the market had shifted its attention to solid state technology. Due to its original low cost and the high number of units produced, the ST-70 remains a relatively affordable and available vintage tube amplifier.

First introduced in 1961, the McIntosh MC275 is one of the most beloved and well-known tube amps ever produced. Its name comes from the fact that it uses two 75-watt amplifiers, which gives it some of the highest power available from any tube amplifier. The MC275 is also built with four KT88 output tubes that allow the amp to perform well with a range of musical styles. The popularity of the MC275 led to the release of a 50th anniversary edition in 2011. Produced in very limited quantities, the special edition is a great opportunity for collectors to pick up a factory new version of one of the best vintage tube amps of all time. The MC275 is also the ancestor of the modern MC275 Mk IV.

The Marantz 8B was first released in 1961 as a revised version of the Marantz 8, which itself was an upgraded version of the Marantz 7. It uses a pair of EL34 power pentode tubes with an output power rating of 35 watts per channel, and it produces full and colorful audio with especially notable bass tones. These units are highly collectable, so buyers should be prepared to do some searching to obtain one in quality condition.
4. | Harman Kardon Citation II |

Noted as one of the sleekest and most attractive vintage amplifiers by collectors, the Harman Kardon Citation II also provides some of the clearest and most precise audio. This is partly due to a bandwidth that exceeds the audible range, which consequently eliminates artifacts such as phase shift at high frequencies. The Harman Kardon is built with KT88 output tubes and is rated at 60 watts per channel. The unit features several controls for fine adjustments, including bias controls for the output tubes and an AC balance control, along with a meter on the back of the amp to reveal the current levels for each. The Harman Kardon Citation II produces a dry sound that is generally distinct from the warmth of most tube amps, with little or no distortion. Like other amps on the list, the Citation II can be difficult to find and expensive to purchase in excellent condition.
5. |
Cary Audio Design CAD-805
******* Vintage가 아닙니다 ******* |

Significantly newer in its design than several of the other amplifiers, the CAD-805 was first released in 1991. It marked the beginning of a new type of high-end amplifier that uses a single-ended, triode design that was considered completely outdated at the time of the CAD-805's release. Despite early skepticism, the CAD-805 eventually won over critics with its ability to bring nearly every aspect of a music track to life, enhancing each instrument and creating a clear and precise listening experience. Its success led to the creation of other single-ended triode amps, though the CAD-805 remains a standout in the class it helped define.
CAD-805는 처음 출력관에 805를 채용해서 모델 이름이 805로 되었던 모양인데 그 후 출력관을 211, 845로 변경하면서 모델 이름이 CAD-805B, CAD-805C가 되었다고 합니다. 드라이버 관도 EL34에서 300B로 변경되어 평을 보면 음질이 향상(?) 되었다고 하네요. 그런데 왜 출력관을 805에서 결국 845로 변경 했을까 궁금합니다. 그래서 소리도 더 좋아졌다는 주장인데 이것이 시사하는 바가 무엇인지?!
805는 845, 211과 거의 비슷한 크기에 양극 손실도 845와 같은 급 입니다. 다만 양극 꼭지가 달려 있는 점이 다릅니다.
전기적인 특성 중 두드러진 점은 양극저항입니다 805는 10K정도, 211은 3.5K, 845는 1.7 K Ohm 정도입니다. 845가 가장 낮습니다.
805는 주로 RF용으로 개발된 모양이고 845는 AF 변조기 용도로 개발 되었다니까 845는 오디오 용이라고 볼 수 있겠습니다.